The Blue Sea Food Company

South Quay, The Harbour Paignton , United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1803 555 777
Fax: +44 (0)1803 553 617



We believe Devon crabs are simply the sweetest you can buy. Cooked when they are at their optimum condition, full of meat and bursting with flavour. A feast for the eyes as well as the taste buds, whole crab always goes down a treat.  Have a cracking time All our crabs are caught using pots that are laid on the sea bed in strings. Pots are a selective and passive form of fishing causing no damage to the marine environment. Very importantly, the crab is alive when bought to the surface so any crab which is undersize, damaged, showing eggs or has recently shed its shell will be returned to the sea alive allowing them to grow and breed again. Our local fishery enforces the largest minimum landing size in European waters. This allows our crabs at least one further reproduction cycle before being landed. Both the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) and the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) recognises crab caught within the Inshore Potting Agreement, off the South Devon Coast, as an example of sustainable crab fishing.
