OPP51 -Organización de Productores Pesqueros de Almadrabas-

C/ Diego Perez s/n Barbate , Spain
Tel: +34 956 43 02 00
Fax: +34 956 43 27 04

Website: http://www.almadrabasandaluzas.com

The OPP 51 or the Almadraba Fish Producers Organisation is an association whose mission is, inter alia, to ensure rational and sustainable Almadraba fishing, and enforce Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).   This organisation was legally incorporated on 10 October 2000, and subsequently recognised by the European Union as a Fish Producers Organisation.   The OPP 51 brings together all "almadrabas" located at Barbate, Tarifa, Zahara de los Atunes, and Conil de la Frontera, along the Spanish South Atlantic coast, and provides direct and indirect employment to about 500 households whose livelihood is solely dependent on fishing for bluefin tuna using the "almadraba" technique.   The "almadrabas" and fishing vessels which are currently members of OPP 51 are: Pesquerías de Almadrabas, S.A. Barbate. Almadrabas Punta Atalaya, S.A. Conil de la Frontera. Almadrabas de España, S.A. Tarifa. Almadraba Cabo Plata, S.A. Zahara de los Atunes.
