SeafoodNIC - Seafood Network Information Center

University of California One Shields Avenue Davis , United States of America
Tel: +1 530-752-2194
Fax: +1 530-752-4759




The Seafood Network Information Center (SeafoodNIC) was launched in 1997 by the seafood technology unit of the University of California Sea Grant Extension Program in cooperation with California Sea Grant College Program; University of California, Davis Department of Food Science and Technology; and the UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. One of the world's first seafood technology network information centers, SeafoodNIC is a portal to Internet resources addressing seafood safety and quality information needs of seafood processors, inspectors, researchers, importers, and food educators. In 1997, the US Food and Drug Administration’s seafood Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) regulation was implemented.  The scientifically based regulation impacts US processors and importers who are required by law to implement a seafood safety management program to ensure the marketing of safe seafood in the US. SeafoodNIC is designed to assist the seafood industry and regulators implement seafood HACCP procedures.
