Nausicaä - French National Sea Experience Centre

Boulogne sur mer , France


Powerful, emotive experiences at Nausicaa gives you unique insights about the world's seas and oceans. Created in 1991, Nausicaa, Centre National de la Mer, which since its opening, wished to put Man at the center of its concerns. Nausicaa, Centre National de la Mer, educates visitors on a sustainable development of our activities on our blue planet.The mission of the Centre National de la Mer which goes far beyond that of a simple aquarium is to discover the sea, a living element and source of wealth for today and tomorrow, and provoke the viewer wonder at the beauty of marine life, but also educate and sensitize new behavior vis-à-vis the Ocean. The evolution of the state of the ocean in recent years has proved him right and confirmed the need to worry about the future of the planet as well as marine resources.
