Oil & Gas UK

2nd Floor, 232-242 Vauxhall Bridge Road London , United Kingdom
Tel: +44 2078 022 400
Fax: +44 2078 022 401
Tel: +44 20 7802 2400
Fax: +44 20 7802 2401

Email: info@ukooa.co.uk

Email: info@oilandgasuk.co.uk

Website: http://www.oilandgas.org.uk

Website: http://www.oilandgasuk.co.uk

Oil & Gas UK is the leading representative body for the UK offshore oil and gas industry. It is a not-for-profit organisation, established in April 2007 but with a pedigree stretching back over 30 years. Its membership is open to all companies active in the province, from super majors to large contractor businesses and from independent oil companies to SMEs working in the supply chain.
