International Dolphin Safe Monitoring Program - Dolphin Safe Logo/Licensing

2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, , United States of America
Tel: +1 1793 727 387



Keep the “Dolphin Safe” Tuna Label Honest: NO NETS ON DOLPHINS! Earth Island's unique International Monitoring Program maintains twelve staff members in seven countries around the world, who regularly inspect tuna in canneries, at dockside, and aboard fishing vessels in order to insure consumers that the tuna they buy is truly “dolphin safe“ This is the largest private environmental monitoring program in the world. We maintain agreements with more than 300 tuna companies around the world, including all major tuna processors. These agreements pledge tuna companies to abide by the Earth Island international “Dolphin Safe” tuna standards of no encirclement of dolphins or other marine mammals during an entire fishing trip, no accidental deaths or serious injuries of any dolphins, and no use of drift gill nets.
