Aleta Chilean Seafood

Cerro San Luis 9980 Quilicura, +COMPANY NOT YET VERIFIED+ , Chile


Aleta is a Chilean company (*) created with the intention of being a serious and regular Chilean seafood supplier for all over the world. Our company relays its core-business on the extensive and successful experience of his and hers executives and great relationship and quality of their business partners.?   The source and processing of raw materials from the Pacific Ocean and the rigorous quality control process is crucial. Each one of these products is carefully monitored along the whole cold chain and the related logistics, none less complex, requires delivering the highest quality standards.? Our versatility on formats, packaging, and delivery, allows us to have an interesting variety of business partners such as Distributors, Retailers, Supermarkets, and Hotels & Restaurants not only for frozen and fresh products, but also for added value seafood. *Not legal registration available
