PLADESEMAPESGA - Plataforma en Defensa del Sector Marítimo Pesquero de Galicia

It is a nonprofit , Nif : G- 70321807 - Registration 2012/ 016402 with over 24,700 partners and formed by individuals, businessmen, politicians, professionals and freelancers , sailors , shellfish / as, environmentalists , unions, experts in all sectors Marine and Fisheries , who share an interest and concern for the environment Marine Fisheries of Galicia. The Platform in Defense Marine Fisheries Sector Galicia is a young association that has achieved much : imagine how hard it is to enter the political arena to defend the maritime and fishing without the necessary financial support and the support of the media . We need your help to continue growing. Pladesemapesga association is a non- profit public and free . Help us to continue bringing claims we share the street and democratic institutions , transmitting our news via social networking and word of mouth in your immediate environment.
