Just Sushi - Restaurant

12A Brookers Lane, Toronto , Canada
Tel: +1 647.748.7408

Website: http://justsushi.com

Website: https://www.facebook.com/justsushicanada

Website: https://www.twitter.com/justsushicanada

Evan Clifford approached Ian Clifford and Gabrielle Charlebois-Clifford to join him in bringing Just Sushi to life. Together the 3 partners made a bold decision that if they were going to seriously consider a sushi restaurant they could only contemplate opening Just Sushi with a 100% sustainable seafood menu. As serendipity would have it, early in 2013, they met Robin Poirier, from the Vancouver Aquariums “Ocean Wise” program. With the guidance and dedicated research of Ocean Wise, the extensive work for Just Sushi to qualify as the world’s first 100% Ocean Wise Recommended sushi restaurant began! In addition to Ocean sustainability, Just Sushi is committed to providing its customers with an all-round healthy and sustainable menu.
