JAPDEVA - Junta de Administración Portuaria y Desarrollo Económica de la Vertiente Atlántica

Manuel María de Peralta San José, , Costa Rica
Tel: +506 87-18-15-64

Website: http://www.japdeva.go.cr

The Port System of Costa Rica has six ports: Limon and Moin in the Atlantic Coastline and Caldera Punta Morales, Terminal Fertica, Puntarenas, Quepos and Golfito on the Pacific Coast. In the organization of the ports of Costa Rica The Board of Port Administration and Development of the Atlantic Coast (JAPDEVA) created by law number 3091 of 18 February 1963 and number 5337 of August 27, 1973, is responsible for build, manage, maintain and operate the ports of the Atlantic Coast.
