AquaGreen Fish Farms, Ltd - AquaGreen Zero Discharge Recirculating

AquaGreen has developed a proven, innovative fully closed  zero discharge recirculated fish culture system. The system uses innovative, specially-developed filter systems in conjunction with natural biochemical processes. Together, these processes balance and regulate the system. This ensures fish are grown in the best possible environment for achieving high productivity and superior fish product quality. The AquaGreen team can plan, design and construct any type of commercially viable intensive or semi-intensive aquaculture system for growing  saltwater (our speciality) freshwater or ornamental fish – in any climate, in any location. AquaGreen offers total turnkey solutions for: 100% fully closed, zero discharge systems semi-closed systems open systems Each member of the AquaGreen team is a specialist professional with absolute expertise in their field. This ensures that all design, technical, biological and construction services are cost effective and delivered on time according to agreed specifications.  The multi-disciplinary AquaGreen team also provides reliable support and guidance following construction and installation.
