CEPEC - Centro para la Promoción del Comercio Exterior y la Inversión Extranjera de Cuba

Calle 10 No. 512 e/ 31 y 5ta Ave. Playa La Habana , Cuba
Tel: +53 7 214 4340
Fax: +53 7 214 4348

Website: http://www.cepec.cu

The Center for the Promotion of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment in Cuba (CEPEC) is an entity under the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment and constitutes one of the major players in promoting these activities in accordance with the strategies set out in the country whose mission is to contribute to the development of foreign trade and foreign investment in Cuba, supported by international market research and product trends, the efficient management of business information as well as the dissemination and promotion of Cuban enterprises and exports of goods and services through strategic partnerships and linkages that enable firms to provide power to the foreign trade activity, tools and knowledge to facilitate their current making trading decisions in accordance with its objectives and priorities country.  In CEPEC is the National Reference Center of the WTO, which offers consultation and advice to producers and marketers of goods and services on the rules governing trade among the member countries of this organization.
