FIDC - Falkland Islands Development Corporation

Shackleton House Stanley , Falkland Islands
Tel: +500 27211
Fax: +500 27210





We, the Falkland Islands Development Corporation (FIDC), are a quasi-autonomous government-funded body. We act as the national economic development agency for the Falkland Islands and our approved purposes for 2014 onwards are determined by the Falkland Islands Development Corporation (Amendment) Ordinance 2000, and are as follows: Encourage and assist in the economic development of the Falkland Islands; Advise the Falkland Islands Government on the development of all sectors of business in, or associated with, the Falkland Islands, including tourism, fisheries and any other existing or proposed area of economic activity; Advise the Falkland Islands Government on rural development, in particular the growth of business including agriculture, and the improvement of quality of rural life; Advise the Falkland Islands Government on government expenditure in agriculture; Advise the Falkland Islands Government on such other matters relating to the economic development of the Falkland Islands as the Government may refer to the Corporation or as the Corporation may consider fit; Examine and advise upon proposals referred to the Corporation by the Executive Council relating to the imposition or revision of tariffs, taxes, duties, quotas or other protective or developmental measures. We work across all levels within the islands - national, business and individual - and are mission is to facilitate and support the Falkland Island's business community, in partnership,  in order to maximise the economic potential of emerging and existing industries.
