Rybhand Sp.J.

ul. Swietego Ducha 118/120 Jarocin , Poland
Tel: +48 62 747 32 38
Fax: +48 62 747 66 38

Email: rybhand@rybhand.com.pl

Website: http://www.rybhand.com.pl

The explicitly of Rybhand company consists in its adequate combination of the components creating the company's image. To the afore-mentioned components belong, among others, the human potential, administrative-technical back, the modern production line, a wide range of products, effective channels of distribution and the trade mark, which has been associated with a high quality for many years. All these elements have contributed to our success. We have dealt with import, export and fish processing since 1991 and we have gained experience within this period of time, which certainly brings measurable effects in the form of constantly growing competitiveness and effectiveness, also reflecting in the financial results of our company. We are one of the most dynamic and flexible partnerships as regards production abilities of the fish sector in Poland. In order to maximize the sales results we are taking pains to fully use the production conditions created by ourselves. The base of our activity is pelagic fish processing, particularly mackerel and herring. On that basis we produce pickles, smoked products and delicatessen. Another very important part of our activity is white fish processing, production of frozen fillets and portions, breaded products etc. In our activity we make use of a rule which says that in modern economy only the incessant development can guarantee success. We presently own one of the most modern production lines in the country together with the extended reloading back. We have already proved that a high quality of our products does not need to hold together high prices. As far as business is concerned, it is an obvious matter that it is the results that prove the effectiveness and in the case of Rybhand company they speak for themselves: annually we process 20.000 tons of fish, constantly monitoring its increasing tendency.
