IF Vigo S.L.

Avda. García Barbón 64, ent. 2 Vigo , Spain
Tel: +34 986 903 149
Fax: +34 986 110 395

Email: info@ifvigo.com

Website: http://www.ifvigo.com

IF, the trade name for IF VIGO, S.L., came about as the result of a merger between two leading companies with a long tradition in the sector for the capture, processing, and marketing of fishery products – the Spanish company GRUPO PROFAND and the portuguese company LARGISPOT. These companies are present in all of the fishing grounds in the world, and have a series of different processing plants at different points of origin, thus having the logistic capacity required to deliver the products to any point in the international market. IF VIGO has specialised in the marketing of fish from the Northern Atlantic (FAO 21), with exclusive rights over the products resulting from fishing activities by a fleet of 6 trawlers in NAFO. Our fish are marketed in all of the main markets of Europe and Asia. The vertical integration of enterprises, from direct fishing activities to marketing, allows us to offer better quality products, and also means that the type of product and the sale format may be adapted to suit the specific needs of each client. 
