APSTM - Asociación de Productores de Salmón y Trucha de Magallanes A.G.

Calle Julio Roca 1030, Of. 3 Punta Arenas , Chile
Tel: +56 (9) 7399-6595

Email: contacto@productoresdesalmon.cl

Website: http://productoresdesalmon.cl/

Website: https://www.facebook.com/salmonicultoresdemagallanes

The Asociación de Productores de Salmón y Trucha de Magallanes A.G. (APSTM)  was created in 1995 by a fledgling local salmon industry, however years later were very few productive enterprises and labor union remained low profile. 2009 our trade association is reactivated and reorganized by the need to represent the productive sector in the process of zoning use Seaboard. That was how the Association takes up the leadership of the efforts and work in defense of the salmon farming activity in the Magallanes Region, working in different areas to integrate harmoniously the (economic, social, cultural, labor, etc.) community. In 2010 the government included the salmon industry as a pillar of economic development of Magallanes, within the Regional Strategic Plan. Aligned with this premise participation and agreements with public and private sectors as one of the main actors in the sustainable growth of the region XII. 
