Rodaballo del Cantabrico - Rodecan, S.A.U.

Lugar Fonfría, 0 S/N, Ruiloba , Spain
Tel: +34 942 720753
Fax: +34 942 720323


Turbot production plant, a farm in the neighborhood of Fonfría, Cantabria. April 2014 - (Rodecan) initiate the industrial cultivation of sea urchins and sea bass in ponds turbot with temperature, controlled feeding and lighting.  The initiative is part of a research, development and innovation (R + D + i) selected by the Board of the Centre for Technological Development (CDTI).  The company will develop these operations at the plant it owns in the town of Ruiloba, with financial support from the CDTI of more than EUR 200,000, representing 75% of the total planned investment (EUR 286,000).  This initiative of multi-trophic culture, pioneer in Spain, will take place in three stages.
