Seafield Navigation Ltd.

2 Dalrymple Street, Fraserburgh , United Kingdom
Tel: +44 01346 511411
Fax: +44 01346 513112



We provide Graphical Navigation and DGNSS positioning systems that give the greatest accuracy in real time along with Marine plotters/GIS using IMO approved Electronic Navigation Charts (ENC’s). Our systems find applications in the Fishing, Survey, Workboat and Construction sectors. As well as the difficult crossover areas where different industry standards need to be transferred (grid, lat/long, Plotter/GIS data translation). Our experience in the different sectors has allowed us to develop the skill to transfer manufacturer specific plotter data from one plotter to another and also into GIS readable files. Navigation also means being able to know where to go tomorrow .We can work closely with our customers in various sectors to provide guidance based on oceanographic conditions. For Fishermen we can provide species avoidance and species targeting guidance.
