Ozone Sanitation Technologies, Inc.

29743 Vacation Drive Canyon Lake , United States of America
Tel: +1 951-246-9222

Email: info@ozonesanitation.com

Website: http://www.ozonesanitation.com

THE   LEADER  IN  OZONE  AIR,  WATER  TREATMENT,  AND  SANITATION  APPLICATIONS The mission of Ozone Sanitation Technologies is to design, manufacture, and install complete ozone solutions worldwide for the benefit of businesses, people, and the environment.  Ozone is a natural, safe and highly effective sanitation method that eliminates or reduces the need for traditional sanitation chemicals or thermal sanitation. Ozone systems often save water, energy, chemicals and waste, while producing no harmful byproducts.    We are confident that ozone will play a continually expanding role in conserving both energy and water and enhancing quality of life. In a wide range of applications where clean is critical, Ozone Sanitation Technologies systems, reliability, and customer support create a huge advantage for your company. As a leading innovator in the sanitation uses of ozone, Ozone Sanitation Technologies engineers and designs every commercial / industrial ozone system to the exact requirements of each client and their applications. One of nature's most powerful oxidizers (2nd only to elemental fluorine), ozone has been used as a powerful organic sanitizer for years.  Nearly all bottled water is treated with ozone, and many municipal water systems utilize ozone to treat drinking water.  The USDA accepted ozone as safe and suitable for use in the production of meat and poultry products in 2000, and the FDA approved ozone as an antimicrobial agent for food in 2001.  At the time, however, ozone was considered to be only a sanitizing agent, and food processing facilities were still forced to rely upon conventional methods such as hot water rinses and harmful chemical degreasers for cleaning.  As a result, ozone enjoyed limited commercial success. Ozone's true potential was realized when we discovered how to not only sanitize but also clean with ozone.  
