Medfish Urk B.V.

Westwal 2 Urk , Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0) 527 689 750
Fax: +31 (0) 527 689 799



Medfish Urk BV is a young enterprise, founded in 2009 and is part of Urk Fish Holding BV. Urk Fish Holdings BV is a cooperative owned by approximately 90 vessel owners, who are also shareholders of the Urk Fish Auction. Medfish Urk BV specialises in sustainably caught flatfish such as Plaice, Dab, Lemon Sole and Dover Sole. Medfish’s raw material is landed at the auctions of Urk and Harlingen, or contracted directly with the vessel owners, who, in turn, own both the Auctions and Medfish. The fish is then processed at Medfish’s own facility in Urk by their affiliated production company, Baarssen Fish Processing BV. Live shellfish and crustaceans are also available. Therefore, Medfish Urk BV has a unique, responsible, and direct ownership from the vessels to the auction to processing to sale.
