Rovscan Chile SA

Megacentro modulo 17 - Ruta 5 sur km 1025 Puerto Montt , Chile
Tel: +56 65-262111



Our group comes from ROVSCAN UK, a company that for over fifteen years operating in the UK supplying the aquaculture sector with lighting technology and monitoring underwater fish farms, and also performing underwater inspection with ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle), Research in the areas, anchorages and moorings. In 2004 the group lies in X Region CHILE ROVSCAN giving rise to, a company founded with the idea to share his experience with domestic aquaculture industry and provide the Chilean market for high-tech underwater equipment, such as ROV 'S underwater robots, acoustic deterrent systems Tale Lobos, Underwater Cameras and Lights, Buoys with sensors to measure water quality on farms and in general a wide range of innovative products mainly manufactured in Norway, England, Scotland and the USA .
