CFFA/CAPE - Coalition pour des Accords de Pêche Equitables - Coalition for Fair Fisheries Arrangements

Chaussee de Waterloo 244 Brussels , Belgium
Tel: +32 2652 5201
Fax: +32 2 654 04 07




The campaign conducted by ICSF and other European NGOs, including CCFD and Greenpeace, to investigate the issue of fishing agreements led to the creation in 1992 of the Coalition for Fair Fisheries Arrangements (CFFA) during the conference “The Battle for Fish”. CFFA is a platform of NGOs based in Brussels. To supply detailed information to coastal fishing communities with a view to promoting their active and informed participation in the decision making processes affecting their livelihood, with a special focus on fisheries relations between the European Union and ACP countries. CFFA documents the development and environmental impacts of EU-ACP (European Union - African, Caribbean and Pacific states) fisheries relations on small-scale fishing communities.
