Polar Seafood France SA

Zac du Pujol - Quartier des Artauds Auriol , France
Tel: +33 442 04 51 51
Fax: +33 442 04 52 52

Email: psf@polarseafood.fr

Website: http://www.polarseafood.com

Polar Seafood Greenland A/S was established in 1984 as the sales & marketing company for a number of independently owned Greenland prawn trawlers. Today Polar Seafood is the owner of a highly modern fleet of large trawlers built for the fishing of prawns, cod, Greenland halibut, redfish and snow crab. The fish and shellfish are processed and frozen onboard the trawlers. Ashore in Greenland, Polar Seafood is actively involved in the purchasing and processing of Greenland halibut. Additional to the processing side of the business, the group also owns three modern purpose built Prawn
