SPF Argentina

Parque Industrial de Pilar, Calle 15 Nr423 - Fatima Pilar , Argentina
Tel: +54 (0)2304 499939
Fax: +54 (0)2304 499938

Email: spf-argentina@diana-petfood.com

Website: http://www.spf-diana.com

We develop innovative solutions for petfood manufacturers, intended to improve the palatability of food and the well-being of dogs and cats. With our profound knowledge of animal food preferences, we can offer a wide variety of flavour enhancers for dry foods, moist foods and treats. Our range includes liquid and powder appetence factors, used as coatings or for inclusion within the food. At our customers' premises, our technical experts ensure that our products are used in a way suited to industrial application constraints. With the strength of this wide-ranging expertise behind it, SPF is the world number one for petfood appetence factors.
