Techno Dive AS

Husøyveien 153 Avaldsnes , Norway
Tel: +47 52 84 64 40.



Techno Dive is a partner for safe and efficient subsea work. We have worldwide experience through countless projects. The company was initially incorporated in 1976 under a different name. The main product was cleaning and inspection of ships. In the eighties the focus was shifted towards the offshore market (semisubmersibles, jack-ups and living quarters). In 1985 the company moved to the west-coast of Norway, Karmøy. The company continued to develop solutions for more efficient performin mechanical work under water. By the use of product development and quality assurance of diving skilled mechanics, Techno Dive can perform under water mechanical tasks both wet and dry. By working dry we use dry habitat (Cofferdams) which allow us to install constructions under water and pump the water out – allowing for a dry workplace. Over the years we have developed an extensive set of products where the speciality has become thruster change-out operations – by using skilled personnel as divers, mechanics and riggers. We perform all our operations world wide, using portable diving stations/equipment and personnel.
