Net Zero Aqualife

511 Saxony Place Suite 101 Encinitas , United States of America


The project will produce 100% organic seafood in a closed loop system that secures the quality and non-contamination. All the waste streams will be utilized for additional revenue streams. The “carbon neutral/negative” cluster model is self sustained from an energy and water consumption perspective and all bio-organic waste is recycled for energy production. The Project will combine the organic seafood production with water treatment systems, biomass solutions and solar farms solutions. The project will utilize patented solutions and the most efficient proven technologies in the market for a highly efficient project with high job creation and great financial returns. The project has a fixed price EPC contract and are ready to start production. The project facility and systems are scalable, replicable, and due to their closed loop configuration, they can be sited virtually anywhere on the planet. The entire solution, production and the seafood is 100% compliant to Whole Foods requirement specification for their desired supply of seafood. Net Zero AquaLife will consistently produce organic seafood of superior quality and quantity at a low cost of production.
