Senegal Ship Services

G25 A3 HANN MARISTES DAKAR 99000, Senegal

Senegal Ship Services is a company of export and international commerce of sea products based in SENEGAL. We export alive, fresh and frozen (board and land), whole or elaborate products of sea of origin of Senegal (FAO 34 center east). The products are treated in factories ornamented EU following the rules of hygiene in force of HACCP.

Of other parts Senegal ship services supplier's very widened network has through the world. What gives us access to all products of sea according to the species, periods and geographical zone. Of this fact, we put in relation supplier. Customer following the demands and requirements of these partners. Our creed is based on the conformity of specify them techniques of the demands and offers, the quality, the delivery times and the prices.

Our engagement to the maintenance of the credibility makes that our young and dynamic and motivated team works perfects consistency and harmony of it with a total mastery of the system as using the best techniques of information and the communication Your demand is studied in maximum of 48h and the best offers arrived you with the whole technical and financial detail.

The first world network of distribution of sea products in Africa
