SFPO - Shetland Fish Producers Organisation Ltd.

Stewart Building Lerwick, Esplanade Lerwick , United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1595 693197
Fax: +44 1595 694429
Tel: +44 01595 693644
Fax: +44 01595 696126
Tel: +44 1595 693 197

Email: sfpa@fishuk.net

Email: sfpo@zetnet.co.uk

Website: http://www.fishuk.net

Website: http://www.fishuk.net/seafoodshetland/

Website: http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/sfa/

Fish Producer Organisations (P.O.'s) have been established under EEC marketing regulations as the organisations responsible for the 'orderly management of fisheries'. The Shetland Fish Producers Organisation Ltd. Was set up in 1982.  All the larger Shetland vessels are in membership of the Shetland P.O.. The policy of the Shetland P.O. is determined by 12 Directors representing member vessels.  In common with other Fish Producer Organisations the Shetland P.O. is primarily concerned with the administration of the E.E.C market support system. In recent years the Shetland P.O. has extended its area of responsibility to include fisheries management through the operation of the sectoral quota system.  In co-operation with the Shetland Islands Council, the Shetland Fish Processors Association and the Shetland Salmon Farmers Association, the Shetland P.O. has established the Shetland Seafood Quality Control organisation which aims to improve the quality and reputation of all Shetland's fish products.  The Shetland P.O. has also invested in certain onshore fish processing operations, and currently holds a significant shareholding in white fish and pelagic processing companies within the islands.  The Organisation is a full participating member of both the United Kingdom Association of Fish Producer Organisations (EAFPO).
