Universidad ESAN

Alonso de Molina 1652, Monterrico Surco Lima , PERU
Tel: +51 1 317 7200
Fax: +51 1 345 1328

Email: mfdc0505@esan.edu.pe

Website: http://www.esan.edu.pe

Website: https://www.facebook.com/esanposgrado

Website: https://twitter.com/esanperu

ESAN was the first academic institution specialized in business administration for graduate students to be created in the spanish speaking world. It was founded on July 25th, 1963, under an agreement between the governments of Peru and the United States of America. Its organization and implementation was entrusted to the Graduate School of Business of Stanford University, California. Transformed into Universidad ESAN on July 12, 2003 (by Law No. 28,021), now offers master's degrees in Business Administration, specialized masters (in Organization and People Management, Supply Chain Management, Marketing, Health Services Management, Management and Development of Real Estate , Information Technology Management, Finance and Corporate Law, Finance), five undergraduate programs, executive education programs in various formats, corporate programs and other academic and professional services.
