Lenfest Ocean Programe

901 E Street NW, 10th Floor Washington , United States of America
Tel: +1 202.552.2000
Fax: +1 202.552.2299
Tel: +1 202.552.2158

Email: info@lenfestocean.org

Website: http://www.globaloceanlegacy.org

Website: http://www.endoverfishing.org/

Website: http://www.lenfestocean.org

Website: https://twitter.com/#%21/LenfestOcean

Website: https://www.youtube.com/user/lenfestocean

The Lenfest Ocean Program supports marine research that will be useful in formulating solutions to ocean problems. Lenfest Ocean Program staff members consult with scientists, advocates and decision makers to identify policy-relevant research questions. A critical factor in developing the Program's research projects is the extent to which the research will be directly relevant to marine policy decisions. The Program focuses its work on fisheries issues because fishing arguably has the greatest impact on marine resources, and because many of these impacts can be reversed with improved fisheries management. The Lenfest Ocean Program was established in July 2004 by the Lenfest Foundation at The Pew Charitable Trusts. Two national commissions — the Pew Oceans Commission and the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy — both called for national policies to reverse the decline in the health of ocean habitat and wildlife.
