UFGD -Universidad Federal de Grande Dourados-

Rua João Rosa Goes Nº 1761 Vila Progresso , Brazil

Website: http://www.ufgd.edu.br

The Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) originated in 1962 with the creation of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Dentistry in Campo Grande, which would be the embryo of public higher education in the south of the then state of Mato Grosso. Integrating Institutes of Campo Grande, Corumbá and three lakes, the State Law No. 2947 of 16 September 1969, created the State University of Mato Grosso - UEMT. Shortly thereafter, the State Law No. 2,972, January 2, 1970, were created and incorporated to the Centers UEMT Pedagogical Corumbá, Pondicherry and Gold.
