Society of Biology

9 Red Lion Court, London , United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)207 936 5900
Fax: +44 (0)207 936 5901



The Society of Biology’s vision is to represent all who are committed to biology in academia, industry, education and research; to facilitate the promotion and translation of advances in biological science for national and international benefit, and to engage and encourage public interest in the life sciences. We are the leading professional body representing many of the learned societies and other organisations making up the diverse landscape of the biological sciences, as well as thousands of individuals.  Members include practising scientists, students at all levels, professionals in academia, industry and education, and non-professionals with an interest in biology.  With an effective membership of over 80,000, we are uniquely placed to represent the wider bioscience community and serve the public interest. We are committed to ensuring that we provide Government and other policy makers - including funders of biological education and research – with a distinct point of access to authoritative, independent, and evidence-based opinion, representative of the widest range of bioscience disciplines.  The Society of Biology is a charity (Charity No. 277981), and is incorporated by Royal Charter. 
