CapFish Pty Ltd - Capricorn Fisheries Monitoring CC

Unit 15, Foregate Square Table Bay Boulevard, Foreshore, Cape Town , South Africa
Tel: +27 (0)21 425 6226
Fax: +27 (0)21 425 1994


CapFish is a dynamic company run by an experienced team with a background in fisheries consultancy and management. We are based in Cape Town and work globally, providing a fisheries monitoring service. Our company is made up of a core of professionals supported by a large team of sea-going staff. We primarily provide on-board observation and monitoring of the marine environment, including fisheries and the offshore hydrocarbon industry. We also undertake specialised research activities and provide a training service for observers and fisheries monitors. CapFish works closely with marine research and non-governmental organisations and Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) such as IOTC, CCAMLR and ICCAT as well as with the fishing industry and industrial bodies associated with the exploitation of our natural resources. The Company started the "domestic" Observer Programme and works closely with the national marine environment management agency, Marine and Coastal Management (MCM). Having established in 1999, the company has a proven track record and we take pride in our “can-do” attitude when taking on new projects and meeting the specific needs of clients. We offer a flexible approach to new projects whilst maintaining sound scientific principles and we do not compromise on securing safe working conditions for our employees in a difficult working environment.
