Pescargen S.A.

Florida 537 , piso 3 - Oficina 519 Galeria Jardin - Torre Florida Capital Federal , Argentina
Tel: +0 0054 11 52190060
Fax: +0 0054 11 52190065
Tel: +54 2965 456478
Fax: +54 2965 456479
Tel: +54 11 5219 0060
Fax: +54 11 5219 0065



Pescargen started commercial activities in 1992. Pescargen . is a company composed by mixed capitals from Argentina and Spain. The investment group has a large experience in the fishing industry. The company is dedicated to capture, industrialize and commercialize mainly white fish sea frozen (hake, hoki, grenadier, brotola, mero, seabass, etc), shrimps and squid illex argentinus. Pescargen owns a fleet with four vessels: three trawler catch vessels and one shrimp catch vessel. In between other valuable species, Pescargen S.A. captures and processes HAKE HUBBSI (Merluccius hubbsi), GRENADIER (Coelorhynchus fasciatus) , HOKI (macruronus magellanicus) and Red raw wild shrimps (Pleoticus muelleri). The investment group has exported in the last year more than 10.500 tons of sea frozen fish, the equivalent to USD 9.500.000. In Puerto Madryn City - Chubut is located the industrial plant, inaugurated in 1998. This plant has 3 different areas: warehouse, cold store and own Administrative Department.
