Rui Costa e Sousa & Irmão, S.A.

Rua Felícia Falcão, Bairro Colmeeiras Tondela , Portugal
Tel: +351 232 821 262
Fax: +351 232 821 619
Tel: 351232821262




The Rui Costa e Sousa & Irmão, S.A., company with the head office in Tondela, is nowadays the leader on transformation and trading in codfish of the country. Since its constitution in November 1981, has been adopting one strategy of a progressive and solid expansion. With nearly 300 employers, the company has human resources highly qualified, sustained with the most sophisticated resources and equipments in the production process. To support the level of established growth were created commercials places in strategic locals, the best services to serve and it was acquired one modern fleet with near 30 vehicles to reach to you the “High Quality”. Following the Group evolution, in 2002 was formed a company São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) - the Brascod, Ltda - for commercialization, and in the near future one unity for codfish production, initiating his internationalization process. 
