
Zuidweg 18-20 Krabbendijke , Netherlands
Tel: +31 113 - 50 30 80
Fax: +31 113 - 50 38 85
Tel: +31 113 50 30 80
Fax: +31 113 50 38 85

Email: info@murre.nl

Website: http://www.murre.nl

Website: https://www.facebook.com/MurreTechniek

Website: https://www.youtube.com/MurreTechniek

Website: http://www.easyfarm.eu

Fish, crustacean and shellfish sector Our long experience in this sector enables us to help you achieve higher yields of your product by means of barnacle removal, optical sorting or polishing, hydrocooling, etc. Sophisticated sorting methods result in a higher yield. Also, after many years of research we have developed a sustainable method for catching seed mussels in the wild. We call this method EasyFarm Murre Techniek is the builder and supplier of a harvester patented by a mussel trader harvesting seed mussels from cultivating nets in the sea. EasyFarm supplies a complete, easy-to-use system for cultivating seed mussels on nets in the sea. For further information we refer to the EasyFarm website.
