Stehr Group Pty Ltd (Headquarters)

1 North Quay Blvd. - PO Box 159 Port Lincoln , Australia
Tel: +61 8 86 82 29 22
Fax: +61 8 86 82 50 90



Founded by German born Mr Hagen H Stehr AO, JP in 1969, the Stehr Group of companies is a specialist fishing organisation. Widely recognised as leading experts in Tuna Fishing, Offshore Ranching, the growout of premium quality Southern Bluefin Tuna, and in the propogation and growout of Australian Yellowtail Kingfish (Seriola Lalandi) and Australian Mulloway (Argyrosomus Hololepidotus) through its aquaculture division "Clean Seas" Aquaculture Growout Pty. Ltd. The organisation operates a world class hatchery at Arno Bay in South Australia for the specialist propagation and growout of finfish species and has an extensive research and development department staffed by world standard technologists. As an Australian leader in their field they are well known for their innovative approach to offshore ranching and ocean cage aquaculture finfish growout.
