OCI - Ocean Choice International Inc. - Group Headquarters

1315 Topsail Road - P.O. Box 8274 St. John's , Canada
Tel: +1 709 782 6244
Fax: +1 709 368 2260

Email: info@oceanchoice.com

Website: http://www.oceanchoice.com

Website: https://www.youtube.com/user/OceanChoice?feature=watch

Ocean Choice International is your direct source for premium North Atlantic seafood. From our operations in Atlantic Canada to our offices around the globe, our commitment to the highest standards of quality, sustainability, and leadership drives everything we do. Located on the doorstep of the world's cleanest fishing grounds, OCI is a fully integrated seafood company, ensuring unrivalled quality from start to finish. We control Atlantic Canada's largest seafood quota, managing the entire process from harvesting, to processing, marketing, exceeding guidelines for quality every step. Ocean Choice International is committed to responsible marine stewardship. We believe our responsibility to sustainability must extend to our actions, which is why we've taken an active role in supporting new technologies to minimize fisheries impact, as well as participating in the collection of marine data for future scientific research and development. OCI has also taken important steps in our fishing practices. We never fish during sensitive marine cycles, including spawning season, and we have proactively added new technology to exclude non-directed and smaller fish.
