Leartiker Tecnología de Alimentos - Lea Artibai Ikastetxea

Xemein Etorbidea,19 Markina-Xemein , Spain
Tel: +34 946 169167
Fax: +34 946 169160

Email: info@leartik.com

Website: http://www.leartiker.com

Leartiker is the center of research and technology of Lea Artibai Ikastetxea and is partner of the Basque Technology and Research net called ‘Saretek’. The structure of Lea Artibai Ikastetxea gives an innovative technical service to many companies on food industry research and technology, engineering in polymers, industrial design, metrology and machining. Internationaly recognaiced researchers and doctors work together in the laboratory, developing new products, as well as working with companies on other specific projects. To make it possible and to ensure best results, the research and technology center of Lea Artibai Ikastetxea works with the most up to date technology.
