Danish Institute for International Studies

Strandgade 56 København , Denmark
Tel: +45 3269 8787
Fax: +45 3269 8700

Email: diis@diis.dk

Website: http://www.diis.dk

Website: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Danish-Institute-for-International-Studies-DIIS/138386242844010

The Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) is an independent research institution engaged in research in international affairs. The institute draws up reports and analyses and follows developments in international affairs continuously in order to assess the security and foreign policy situation of Denmark, e.g. aspects of relevance with regard to development policy. DIIS also communicates research findings, analyses and knowledge and performs functions concerning documentation, information and library services. Furthermore, DIIS contributes to the education of researchers, supports the development of research capacity in developing countries and establishes contacts between Danish and international research environments. DIIS’s research and activities are organized in several research units and a few major commissioned works. The research unit involved in the SEAT-project is ‘Global Economy, Regulation and Development’ (GEARED). The unit builds on the previous work of the research unit on ‘Trade and Development’ to explore development issues in the broader setting of current trends and transformations in the global economy.
