HQ Sustainable Maritime Industries Inc -China-

Qinlan Development Zone Wenqing Avenue Wenchang City , China
Tel: +1 206 621 9888
Fax: +1 206 621 0318
Tel: +86 898 685 57799
Fax: +86 898 685 30052

Email: Sales@hqfish.com

Website: http://www.lillianshealthygourmet.com

Website: http://www.hqfish.com

Website: https://twitter.com/OrganicTilapia

HQ Sustainable Maritime Industries, Inc. (Public, AMEX:HQS) is an integrated aquatic product producer, processor and farmer with the operations in the People's Republic of China (PRC) of toxin free tilapia, other aquatic products and marine bio and healthcare products. The Company's facilities are certified according to the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points standards (HACCP) have been assigned a European Union (EU) code required for exporting aquatic products to the EU, and are certified in accordance with the Aquaculture Certification Counsel, Inc. (ACC) standards. HQSM's products are sold principally to customers in North America, Europe and Asia. In January 2003, Hainan Quebec Ocean Products Company Ltd., was awarded certification as the Leading Industrial Enterprise of the Province. Organic Certification has been given to a portion of our operations reflecting China’s Organic standards and has been certified by the CNAS and the CHTC, who are China government certified certification bodies.
