Kælismiðjan Frost ehf.

Fjölnisgata 4b Akureyri , Iceland
Tel: +0 (+354) 565 9400
Fax: +0 (+354) 565 9409
Tel: +354 464 9400
Fax: +354 464 9401

Email: frost@frost.is

Website: http://www.icetech.is

Website: http://www.frost.is

The company designs, supplies equipment and installs new refrigeration systems as well as servicing existing systems. Frost offers its customers the service of experienced engineers for troubleshooting and upgrading of existing systems, or for specifying and designing new systems. Kælismiðjan Frost ehf. (For short Frost) has it roots back in the beginning of the 1980s and has been in the forefront of Icelandic companies building and servicing refrigeration system since 1993. From 2005 a majority of the company has been controlled by employees and from 2006 Frost has a 30% share in the Faroese company P/F Frost. Frost is by far the largest company of its kind in Iceland with its headquarters in Akureyri northern Iceland and an affiliate in Garðabæ in the Reykjavík area. The company has taken on projects all around Iceland as well as abroad. In resent years projects abroad have been a growing part of the operation with projects in China, South America, Poland, Russia, Africa, Norway,  Denmark, Faroe Islands and other places.          In the last four years Frost has delivered freezing and cooling systems for 14 new fishing vessels, both factory trawlers and wet fish trawlers, where efficiency and safety have been some key factors in the design. Frost has developed its own control system for the traditional NH3 pump system to ensure maximum efficiency at all times. The control system is operated by a Siemens PLC and connected via Profibus/Modbus or Ethernet and can be monitored or controlled by a PC from any location. The system quoted for this project is a NH3 pump system with economizer.  
