MBSAI - Middle Bay Sustainable Aquaculture Institute

Middle Point Rd Campbell River, , Canada

MBSAI is a not for-profit organization formed for the purpose of researching and developing the use of commercial-scale solid wall containment systems for aquaculture. Contributing to this project are the following Consortium members: AgriMarine Industries Inc., Coast Sustainability Trust, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (GBMF) and Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), an arm's-length, not-for-profit corporation created by the Government of Canada. The project is also supported by the following environmental non-governmental organizations; the David Suzuki Foundation, Living Oceans Society, Coast Sustainability Trust, Georgia Strait Alliance, T. Buck Suzuki Environmental Foundation, and the Wilderness Tourism Association. AgriMarine and MBSAI are also very grateful to have the cooperation and support of the K'ómoks, Campbell River, Cape Mudge, and Homalco First Nation Bands.
