
Norges Varemese , Norway


Welcome to NEF-dagene February 8th – 11th 2011 The exhibition will be the most important venue in 2011 for all within the Norwegian food processing, packaging and processing industries. The three industries are brought together in order to enhance the value of each show by attracting more exhibitor categories, as well as different products, relevant topics and visitors in general. Here you will meet 120 different exhibitors. The exhibitors are suppliers, manufactures and wholesalers with interests in the Norwegian food processing, packaging and processing sectors. Parallel arrangement: Smak 2011 The exhibition is for all within the Norwegian hotels, restaurants, cafeterias, institutions, canteens and fast food outlets, as well as for those in retail. The exhibitors are suppliers, producers, special wholesalers and distributors of food and drinks, catering equipment, interior and design, wine and liquor as well as everyday commodities and groceries. NEF-dagene ble etablert i 2001 etter en sammenslåing av messene Næringsmiddelindustrien og Emballering. Parallelt med NEF-dagene arrangeres Smak 2011. Messen omhandler mat og drikke, dagligvare, utstyr, interiør og design samt vin og brennevin. Paralellmessene NEF-dagene og Smak 2011 er Norges største utstillingsvindu for nye mattrender. De peker i retning av større bransjeglidning mellom næringsmiddelindustri og storkjøkken. NEF-dagene og Smak ble sist besøkt av 29709 fagbesøkende.
