United Trans Ltd. - Rosalyn the Taste of Nature

212 Pauls Point Rd Hacketts Cove , Canada
Tel: +1 (902) 4294518
Fax: +1 (902) 4777280

Email: unitedt@hfx.eastlink.ca

Website: http://www.unitedtrans.ca/

Website: https://www.facebook.com/United-Trans-Ltd-Canada-977711102288318/

Website: https://twitter.com/LtdTrans

Rosalyn - The Taste of Nature Brand of Sea Cucumbers are wild-captured in the North Atlantic Ocean of Canada where the annual maxium temperature of the water surface does not exceed 4 degrees and part of the surface freezes in winter.  They live about 100 - 400 feet underwater, and are found well off the beaten track, where they are not introduced to the pollution of industrial and human activities. As natural wild sea cucumbers, they grow in a pollution free environment, and because of the long growth period, the body of nutrients and active substances are much better than sea cucumbers found in other areas of the world. According to the analysis of experts from United States and Canada: Canadian sea cucumbers are nutrient rich, the protein content is 60%, polysaccharides and other active substances accounted for about 15%.  The sea cucumbers are rich in saponins, vitamins and trace elements, while their fat content is low -- only about 1%, and they contain no cholesterol. Rosalyn - The Taste of Nature Brand Sea Cucumber, maximizes these benefits to customers by using a drying process that begins by removing head, tail, teeth, internal organs (about 1/3 of the weight of the sea cucumbers) leaving behind only the meat. The drying process does not use any preservatives, coloring agents, gelatin or other additives.  This processing method results in the characteristic irregular shape of a sea cucumber that has been dried thoroughly.
