Olympic Biotec Ltd

Richmond , New Zeland

Website: http://www.olympicseafood.com

Olympic Seafood AS is a Norwegian seafood and specialty ingredients company, owned by Olympic Group (www.olympic.no),  which is a fishing and offshore support vessels operator. The company is located on the West Coast of Norway in Fosnavaag, which has been one of the largest fishing ports in Norway since ancient times. Olympic owns a specialized krill vessel with the name ‘Juvel’ that operates on the Antarctic Ocean. The specialised harvesting and production vessel utilizes the whole harvested krill biomass to produce ingredients for human consumption, such as krill oil and other krill extracts. The vessel has since delivery in 2009 harvested Antarctic krill in CCAMLR area 48 in the Antarctic Ocean. Olympic Seafood AS promotes sustainable krill harvesting, and is a co-founder of the Association of Responsible Krill Harvesting Companies (ARK), a global krill industry association promoting the scientific research for sustainable harvest of Antarctic krill.
