SFPA - Scottish Fisheries Protection Agency / Marine Scotland Compliance

St. Andrew's House, Regent Road Edinburgh , United Kingdom
Tel: +44 0131 271 9700
Fax: +44 0131 244 6471

Email: UKFCC@scotland.gsi.gov.uk

Website: http://www.sfpa.gov.uk

Website: https://twitter.com/scotgovweb

Website: https://www.youtube.com/scottishgovernment

The Scottish Fisheries Protection Agency was formed as an Executive Agency of government in 1991. It manages all aspects of enforcement including policy, operations, ships, aircraft and fishery offices around the coast. The Agency’s mission is to monitor the Industry’s compliance with UK, EU and international fisheries law and regulations in ports and at sea within the 200 mile British Fishery Limits around Scotland, and beyond when required.  It does this through the effective deployment of its patrol vessels, surveillance aircraft and the sea fisheries inspectorate, and the presentation of cases of non-compliance to the Procurator Fiscal Service for prosecution.  In short, it aims first and foremost to deter illegal activity, but when deterrence fails, it works to detect breaches of the law. Effective monitoring and enforcement of marine and fishing laws is vital if we are to protect Scotland's valuable marine areas and fisheries. It is important that these are protected by detecting breaches of fisheries regulations by monitoring and inspection at sea and in ports, and report as appropriate to the prosecuting authorities and providing intelligence on fishing activity in the sea areas around Scotland.
