Westray Salmon Ltd

Longhouse Westray , United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1857 677 499

World leader in smoked salmon The Morpol Group confirmed the closing of Mainstream Scotland  purchase took place as scheduled on Wednesday. The financial results of Mainstream Scotland were consolidated into Morpol ASA starting on 1 August. The company also announced the acquisition of the total assets of Westray Salmon Limited in Orkney, Scotland, including licenses, fixed assets and the biomass. Westray owns five farming licenses holding a total capacity of some 2,800 tonnes. Mainstream Scotland, the main salmon producer in the Orkney Islands, was sold for EUR 44.2 million. Morpol now owns 100 per cent of the company. Regarding Westray Salmon, Morpol said that this company raises organic salmon with an annual production of about 500 tonnes this year. Morpol will merge the assets of Westray Salmon with the Mainstream Scotland operations and use only three of the Westray licenses. Said licenses to be farmed possess a combined capacity of 2,500 tonnes, with the remaining two licenses being too small to be considered economically viable at this time.
