Oceancrest Foods Ltd.

42 Old Market St Bristol , United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1179 255 299
Fax: +44 1179 255 233
Fax: +44 1179 258 686

Email: scandia@scandia.uk.com

Email: escandia@aol.com

Website: http://www.scandia.uk.com

Scandia Foods (UK) Ltd was established early in 1989 as an international and domestic marketing company specializing in the retail and bulk marketing of seafood. In a few short years, the company has become a well known supplier of speciality seafood. Scandia Food’s success is built on a combination of dynamic management, a small but dedicated staff and the extensive contacts with domestic and overseas manufactures and retailers, importers and agents in export markets which come from over 25 years experience in the worldwide marketing of quality foods.    
