Norwegian Seafood Federation / Fiskeri- og havbruksnæringens landsforening (FHL)

Postboks 5471 - Middelthunsgate 27, Majorstuen Oslo , Norway
Tel: +47 23 08 87 30
Fax: +47 23 08 87 31



Norway is one of the largest seafood producers in the world. The Norwegian Seafood Federation represents the majority of companies within the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. The seafood industry represents Norway's largest export industry after oil and gas. Norway exports farmed and wild fish to more than 150 countries. The Norwegian Seafood Federation (Fiskeri-og havbruksnæringens landsforening, FHL) represents the interests of approximately 500 member companies and 8,000 employees. FHL covers the entire value chain from fjord to dinner table in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors
